Career with us

Our GRM-team is currently complete.

Please send your documents for your unsolicited application to the email address, with this subject:

Unsolicited application and the reference:
attention Ing. Walter Gandler, MBA.

Who we are always interested in:

Certified insurance brokers from Pinzgau interested in working independently as a cooperation partner of Gandler Risk Management Versicherungsmakler GmbH.

If interested, further information is available from:

Ing. Walter Gandler, MBA
Gandler Risk Management GmbH,
Phone: +43-6562-6160-0

Independent insurance brokers interested in cooperation as members of the g&o Group.

If interested, further information is available from:

Ing. Walter Gandler, MBA
Gandler Risk Management GmbH
Phone: +43-6562-6160-0

Ing. Mag. Herbert Orasche
O&O GmbH
Phone: +43-6245-77440-0

Our contributions to the region

In keeping with the size of our business and economic power, the cooperation partners and GRM give back part of the success generated to the region’s population:

  • We support projects related to real life by local educational institutions by absorbing part of necessary expenditures, or purchasing products or services produced.
  • We support local club activities by various segments of society so as to foster collective communication and joint creation of a sense of values.
  • We participate actively in the design, organisation and implementation of selected cultural and health-promoting events in cooperation with local businesses, organisations and business partners.
  • Where possible and useful, we strengthenlocal and regional economic cycles.